Get a comprehensive overview of everything included in a royalty period before you publish it.
Easily see included sales, costs, advances, & contracts. Be confident in your total royalties due.
Actionable insights
Dig into your royalties data for precise & accurate insights.
Aggregate & segment data across your completed royalty periods to:
Gain insight into ROI
Compare performance between territories & platforms
Optimize decisions for your catalog
Pay when you're ready
Various factors can affect royalty payouts. In Tone, you control who to pay & when. Unpaid balances roll over to the next royalty period, & we keep your payees informed throughout the process.
Take the guesswork out of statements
Review each payee's statement before it goes live
Publish statements & notify your payees via email with a single click
Retain full control over when statements are published to payees
Manage many royalty periods
at once
Segment payees according to your contractual commitments. Tone supports as many contract groups as you need to ensure your reporting runs like clockwork.